4 towers day: Primary
lobe to the south-southeast, secondary lobes to the north-northeast and
east-northeast / 4 tower night: Primary lobe to the southwest, secondary
lobes to the northwest and east-southeast.
Other Information:
Owned by Rainey
Call letters WVMI (Voice
of MississippI) date back to at least 1959 when it was a top 40 daytimer.
Erected a 6 tower array to go fulltime in the late 60's. In fact, coupled
with it's then FM sister, WQID 93.7, the two stations frequently had comined
share in excess of 68! As FM compeition got formidable, it pushed them
into news-talk. They made a brief comeback into country, oriented to older
traditional sound (now found on 1240 AM), then returned to talk and new.