TV Technical Profile: WMPV
TBN, All American TV
Transmitter Location:
WJTV-TV tower.
Power (ERP):
4.37 MW
Height Above Average
Terrain (HAAT):
1430 feet.
Directional: Lobes to
the east and west, towards Pensacola and Mobile.
Other Information:
Station History:
WMPV (Mobile Pensacola
Video)'s original construction permit holder invisioned an independent
commercial TV station, but sold out to a loca religious broadcaster who
put it on as all-religious in 1985. His operation failed and the station
went silent for a while in the late 80's. It came back on as a Trinity
Broadcasting Network affiliate, relaying that satellite feed almost 100%
of the time. The antenna is side-mounted on the WJTV-TV tower. The original
owner buildt an enormously expensive, elaborate studio in west Mobile,
which was abandoned. WMPV now uses the studio site once used by WPMI, in
Tower on Ryan Park.
The transmitter location is shown on top. Click on the map to
interact. On the bottom, WMPV's antenna pattern.